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Virtual 새만금

Greetings from the Administrator of the Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency (SDIA)

Welcome to the Virtual Saemangeum website. This is Kim Kyung-ahn, the administrator of the Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency (SDIA).

Thanks to the government's strong will and active support to develop Saemangeum, including the designation of the Saemangeum Industrial Complex as an investment promotion district and its selection as an industrial complex specializing in secondary batteries, we have attracted an unprecedented 6.6 trillion won of investment in just one year since the launch of the current government.

Our next step is to prepare a new blueprint that reflects recent changes in development conditions and establish Saemangeum as one of Korea’s three major hubs. These efforts will enable Saemangeum to drive the growth of not just Jeollabuk-do but the national economy.

First, we will establish Saemangeum as a hub of strategic high-tech industries
We will build additional industrial complexes to find and foster future growth engines in the high-tech sector and reform unnecessary regulations to build a new industrial cluster centered on secondary batteries.

Second, we will create a global food hub in Saemangeum.
Based on Saemangeum's strategic geographical strengths, we will develop it into a world-class food processing and distribution center by linking Saemangeum New Port and the hinterland.

Third, we will create a convention hub in Saemangeum.
In order to diversify not only domestic but also overseas markets, we will further develop the Saemangeum area and make it a popular tourist destination to transform it into a convention hub that attracts global capital and businesses.
We will do our best to develop Saemangeum as a hub of Northeast Asia serving as the nation’s growth engine and the center of Jeollabuk-do’s future industries.
Saemangeum is there for every Korean to enjoy and experience.
Thank you for your continued interest and support in the Saemangeum Project.

Thank you.

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