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Notice List
Number Distinction Title Written by Registered on Views Attachment
64 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Saemangeum Development Agency conducts 'inspection of anti-corruption integrity policy' 관리자 2024.09.24 3 240923 새만금개발청 반부패 청렴 정책 추진 점검 실시.pdf 다운로드
63 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency 11 Years of History of the Opening of the Saemangeum Development Office in Pictures 관리자 2024.09.24 6 240913 사진으로 보는 새만금개발청 개청 11년의 역사.pdf 다운로드
62 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Saemangeum Development Agency Leaps Out Performance at 11th Anniversary Ceremony 관리자 2024.09.24 0 240913 새만금개발청 개청 11주년 기념식 성과 도약.pdf 다운로드
61 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Director Kim Kyung-an starts tourism exchanges with Korea-China Culture and Arts Exchange Conference 관리자 2024.09.24 0 240912 동정자료 김경안 청장 한중문화예술교류회와 관광교류 시동.pdf 다운로드
60 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Cho Hong-nam, chairman of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Re-examination Committee, was appointed as the new deputy director of the Saemangeum Development Agency 관리자 2024.09.24 5 240913 새만금개발청 신임 차장에 조홍남 산업재해보상보험재심사위원장 임명.pdf 다운로드
59 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency A gift from Saemangeum during the Chuseok holiday 관리자 2024.09.24 1 240912 추석연휴에는 새만금으로 새만금 개발청이 뽑은 명소.pdf 다운로드
58 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Kim Kyung-an, head of the Saemangeum Development Agency, visits the construction site of the Bi Eung 2 substation, and requests to supply electricity at speed to support companies 관리자 2024.09.24 0 240912 새만금청장 기업지원을 위해 속도감 있는 전력 공급 당부.pdf 다운로드
57 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Saemangeum Office will achieve another quantum jump (re-leap) starting from the 11th anniversary of the opening of the building 관리자 2024.09.24 0 240912 새만금청 개청 11주년을 기점으로 또 한번의 퀀텀점프 이뤄낼 것.pdf 다운로드
56 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Deputy Director Yoon Soon-hee attends the opening ceremony of the Energy Industry Convergence Complex Comprehensive Support Center 관리자 2024.09.24 0 240911 동정자료 윤순희 차장 에너지산업융복합단지 종합지원센터 개소식 참석.pdf 다운로드
55 Saemangeum Development Investment Agency Saemangeum, the night view of Chuseok that even lights up the heart 관리자 2024.09.24 1 240911 새만금 마음까지 밝히는 추석밤 야경.pdf 다운로드
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